Buying Properties – Thu, 20 Apr 2023 00:10:50 +0000 es hourly 1 Buying Properties – 32 32 Top 10 Dubai Real Estate FAQs Answered Sun, 12 Mar 2023 23:12:00 +0000 Los inversores y compradores interesados en el mercado inmobiliario de Dubái a menudo pueden encontrarse haciéndose las mismas preguntas. Algunos compradores consultan a asesores inmobiliarios para que los ayuden a responder sus preguntas y los guíen a través del mercado y el proceso de compra, además de conseguirles un desarrollador inmobiliario adecuado. De esta manera, el comprador puede visitar las propiedades residenciales de Real Estate en Dubai sintiéndose 100% confiado y seguro de las decisiones que está tomando.

Sin embargo, algunos compradores no consultan a un agente sobre la compra de una propiedad en Dubai, por lo que muchas de sus consultas quedan sin respuesta, ¡y ahí es donde entra nuestro papel! ¿Quiere que le respondan sus diez preguntas más frecuentes sobre bienes raíces en Dubái? ¡Sigue leyendo para aprender todo lo que necesitas saber hoy!

          Preguntas frecuentes sobre bienes raíces: Preguntas sobre bienes raíces de los compradores

Basándonos en nuestra experiencia en la industria, hemos compilado una lista de las diez preguntas más frecuentes de los clientes. Aquí encontrará respuestas a sus consultas esenciales si quiere evitar llamar a las puertas de los agentes inmobiliarios. Siempre puede conectarse con nuestros expertos si no puede encontrar lo que está buscando o si necesita más información.

Aquí están las diez preguntas más frecuentes sobre bienes raíces respondidas:

1. ¿Por qué debería invertir en bienes raíces en Dubái?

El mercado inmobiliario de Dubái es transparente y ofrece un alto retorno de la inversión (ROI) para compradores e inversores. Es el mercado ideal para invertir por las siguientes razones:

Renta libre de impuestos.
Infraestructura de primer nivel y economías diversificadas.
Altos ingresos de la propiedad, tanto que los ingresos se comparan con los de Londres y Nueva York.
Alto nivel de vida y excelentes condiciones de vida.
Ambiente seguro y protegido, apto para familias.

2. ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva comprar una nueva propiedad en Dubai?

Se tarda alrededor de un mes en completar la transacción típica de una propiedad en Dubái. Este período comienza cuando el comprador y el vendedor firman el contrato de venta.

3. ¿Me puede guiar a través del proceso de compra?

En términos generales, el proceso de compra sigue los siguientes pasos:

El comprador y el vendedor finalizan y firman su acuerdo de venta. Incluye varios elementos, tales como:
El precio de la compra.
Gastos adicionales como comisión de agencia, comisión de traspaso en DLD, comisión de promotor, devolución de cargo por servicio, etc.
La fecha de transferencia del trato en el DLD.
Condiciones de pago.
Responsabilidades y sanciones de ambas partes en caso de incumplimiento de las condiciones del contrato.

Ambas partes firman el Memorando de Entendimiento (MoU), una muestra del cual se puede encontrar en el sitio web del Departamento de Tierras de Dubai. El comprador paga 10% del valor de compra al firmar el MoU.
El comprador solicita y paga un Certificado de No Objeción (NOC) del desarrollador de Bienes Raíces a quien le está comprando la propiedad. NOC es un documento requerido del desarrollador, que permite la transferencia de propiedad y permite al comprador continuar con la compra. El NOC se proporciona una vez que el comprador realiza todos los pagos del cargo por servicio.
Después de obtener el NOC, el comprador se reúne con el desarrollador o el vendedor en el Departamento de Tierras de Dubai para obtener el nuevo título de propiedad, lo que demuestra el derecho legal del comprador a poseer la propiedad. El comprador realiza el pago completo del precio de la propiedad a través de un cheque y obtiene el título de propiedad.

4. ¿Qué impuestos debo pagar como propietario?

Esta es una de las preguntas frecuentes sobre bienes raíces más comunes y, dado que los EAU son un país libre de impuestos, no tiene que pagar impuestos sobre la propiedad. Pero como propietario de una propiedad, tendrá que pagar cargos anuales de mantenimiento y servicio. La frecuencia de pago varía de una a cuatro veces al año, dependiendo de la propiedad.

5. ¿Están las propiedades de Dubái sujetas al IVA?

El Impuesto al Valor Agregado, también conocido como (IVA), se aplica a las ventas de propiedades comerciales, que están sujetas al IVA en 5%. Sin embargo, no se aplica a lo siguiente:

Ventas o arrendamientos de inmuebles residenciales.
Arrendamientos de locales comerciales.

6. ¿Qué es una propiedad de dominio absoluto?

La propiedad de dominio absoluto es aquella que el comprador posee además del terreno en el que está construida. De esta manera, el propietario es libre de quedarse con la propiedad, arrendarla o venderla, ya que tiene autoridad total sobre la propiedad y cómo usarla siguiendo las reglas y regulaciones. El objetivo de estas propiedades es fomentar las inversiones extranjeras.

7. ¿Puede un extranjero tener propiedad 100% en Dubái?

Aunque la propiedad extranjera total no fue posible en Dubai hasta 2006, el gobierno ha creado nuevos incentivos que permiten la propiedad extranjera total. La respuesta corta es: Sí, puede tener propiedad de propiedad 100% en Dubai. Los extranjeros pueden comprar propiedades en zonas francas, como Al Furjan y Palm Jumeirah y disfrutar de la plena propiedad.

8. ¿Puedo alquilar mi propiedad en Dubái? ¿Qué ingresos de alquiler puede cobrar un propietario?

Sí, puede alquilar su propiedad en Dubai. Los ingresos por alquiler dependen del tipo de propiedad, la ubicación y los cargos por servicio. El ingreso neto promedio (ingreso total menos cargos por servicio) oscila entre 5%-10% anualmente. También es importante tener en cuenta que una propiedad cara atrae menos porcentaje de los ingresos por alquiler y viceversa.

9. ¿Puedo cerrar el trato sin involucrar a un agente de bienes raíces?

Puede cerrar el trato sin agentes inmobiliarios; sin embargo, se recomienda encarecidamente que obtenga un agente desde el principio. El inmenso conocimiento actualizado y la experiencia en el mercado de los agentes ayudan a los compradores, propietarios e inquilinos a encontrar una gran oferta. Además, son los mejores jugadores para cerrar un trato a precios negociados.

10. ¿Qué buscar en un agente inmobiliario?

Un agente inmobiliario debe cumplir con una serie de requisitos, y son los siguientes:

Deben tener una licencia comercial adecuada del Departamento de Desarrollo Económico de Dubai.
El agente inmobiliario y la agencia para la que trabaja deben estar registrados en RERA. Una vez registrada, la agencia recibe un Número de registro de oficina (ORN), mientras que el agente obtiene un Número de registro de corredor (BRN).
El agente de bienes raíces debe tener un certificado del Instituto de Bienes Raíces de Dubai (DREI / IEREI) para registrarse en RERA. También tienen que pasar una prueba profesional administrada por RERA.
El agente debe cumplir con un Código de Ética emitido por RERA.

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How To Get A Mortgage In Dubai Wed, 01 Mar 2023 12:52:00 +0000 La compra de una nueva casa en Dubái se puede hacer en efectivo o mediante una hipoteca. Y aunque muchos compradores prefieren pagar en efectivo para evitar pagar intereses, las hipotecas en Dubái brindan al comprador mucha flexibilidad cuando se trata de administrar las finanzas, planificar los pagos y elegir la casa adecuada.

Entonces, si desea obtener una hipoteca en Dubai, lea a continuación para encontrar todo lo que necesita saber sobre el tema: elegibilidad, documentos y el proceso para obtener una.

1. Criterios de Elegibilidad para un Préstamo Hipotecario

Es esencial que verifique si cumple con los criterios de elegibilidad para obtener una hipoteca en Dubai. Estos criterios incluyen:

Ser ciudadano o residente de los EAU.
Edad entre 21 y 65 años.
Tener un ingreso mensual de al menos AED 15,000 si es asalariado o AED 25,000 si trabaja por cuenta propia.

Es importante tener en cuenta que debe cumplir con otros criterios establecidos por los bancos; difieren y varían de un banco a otro y pueden incluir un período mínimo servido en un trabajo actual o trabajando para ciertos empleadores. Además, el salario mínimo requerido para que lo recibas varía de un banco a otro según las políticas del banco. Si no reside en los EAU, tiene algunas opciones con respecto a los préstamos para comprar una propiedad, aunque son limitadas.

2. Documentos necesarios para un préstamo hipotecario

Los siguientes puntos aclararán los documentos obligatorios requeridos para obtener una hipoteca en Dubai:

Una copia de la visa y el pasaporte válidos.
Una copia de la identificación válida de los Emiratos.
Un certificado de salario como prueba de empleo.
Prueba de residencia, como una copia del contrato de arrendamiento o la factura DEWA.
Recibos de pago y extractos bancarios de los últimos seis meses.
Últimos estados de cuenta de sus tarjetas de crédito.

Estos documentos requeridos pueden diferir de un banco a otro, pero los documentos mencionados anteriormente son los más comúnmente requeridos. Si no es residente, solo deberá proporcionar al prestamista/banco una copia de su pasaporte y su estado de cuenta bancaria de los últimos tres meses. Sin embargo, vale la pena verificar si su banco específico requiere documentos adicionales según su política.

3. El proceso de obtención de una hipoteca 

Obtener un préstamo para comprar una propiedad en Dubai comprende muchos pasos, como se describe a continuación:

          Encontrar un prestamista:

Este es un paso esencial en el proceso. Primero, debe encontrar un banco para pedir dinero prestado, ya que las hipotecas en Dubai se obtienen a través de bancos y deben registrarse en el Departamento de Tierras de Dubai (DLD) para que sean legalmente válidas. Según los tipos de hipotecas y las ofertas que ofrecen los bancos, puede buscar una o simplemente contratar a un agente hipotecario para encontrar los mejores bancos para sus necesidades.

          Elegir la hipoteca adecuada:

En términos generales, las hipotecas en Dubai son hipotecas de tasa fija o de tasa variable, lo que significa que la tasa de interés permanece fija durante todo el período de préstamo o cambia durante el mismo período. Además, hay muchos factores a considerar al elegir la hipoteca adecuada. Éstos son algunos de ellos:

Tu estilo de vida.
El tipo de propiedad que desea comprar.
El monto del préstamo que necesita.
El monto del depósito en efectivo que puede llegar a pagar.

4. Obtener una carta de aprobación previa

Una carta de aprobación previa es un documento oficial emitido por el banco que financia la compra de su vivienda, en el que se establece que usted, como comprador, es elegible para obtener un préstamo para comprar una propiedad en Dubái. La carta también describe la cantidad máxima que puede pedir prestada.

5. Encontrar tu nuevo hogar

Usted buscaría una propiedad residencial antes de solicitar una hipoteca de vivienda, pero puede enfrentar el desafío de no poder obtener suficiente financiamiento para la vivienda que eligió a través del banco elegido. Sin embargo, algunas personas buscan la propiedad solo después de recibir la carta de aprobación previa. En este caso, es fundamental tener en cuenta que la carta tiene una validez de 60 a 90 días, que es el tiempo que necesita el comprador para encontrar una nueva propiedad, por lo que también puede considerar hacer lo mismo.

6. Finalización de la compra de la propiedad

Al finalizar la compra de la propiedad, el banco que financia su compra puede asignar un tasador de propiedades para medir el valor de su propiedad, para ayudarlo a hacer una oferta razonable. Siguiendo el acuerdo sobre el precio, usted pagaría un depósito y decidiría una fecha de finalización para la transacción de compra. El último día de la transferencia de la propiedad, el banco liberará el monto de su préstamo al vendedor.


Obtener una hipoteca en Dubai para comprar una propiedad residencial es una opción ideal para muchos. Si desea obtener un préstamo para comprar una propiedad en Dubái, asegúrese de cumplir con los criterios de elegibilidad, proporcione los documentos correctos y encuentre un banco, una hipoteca y una propiedad que sean adecuados para usted, de modo que el proceso se desarrolle sin problemas y de manera eficiente. Además, recuerda que obtener un préstamo es un compromiso, así que asegúrate de considerar todos los aspectos de tu vida y tu presupuesto mensual.

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A Guide To Renting Property In Dubai Mon, 27 Feb 2023 12:58:00 +0000 No es ningún secreto que Dubái es uno de los lugares residenciales más solicitados del mundo. Después de todo, ¿quién no querría llamar "hogar" a un lugar lleno de promesas y potencial? Si tú, como muchos otros, estás planeando encontrar tu propio lugar después de enamorarte de Dubái a primera vista, sigue leyendo. A continuación, te contamos todo lo que necesitas saber si quieres alquilar una propiedad en Dubái.

Paso 1: Decide un presupuesto

Antes de comenzar a buscar propiedades de alquiler en Dubai, primero debe establecer un presupuesto para mantener sus propias expectativas bajo control. Haz una lista de tus gastos mensuales si aún no lo has hecho para que sepas cuánto te queda de alquiler. No olvide tener en cuenta otros costos, como las facturas mensuales de DEWA y los gastos iniciales, como el depósito de seguridad y el alquiler por adelantado.

Paso 2: Piensa en tus necesidades frente a tus deseos

Una vez que haya determinado cuánto puede gastar en la casa de sus sueños, es hora de la mejor parte: ¡enumerar sus requisitos! ¿Cómo imaginas tu futuro hogar? ¿Es usted una familia de 3 que busca alquilar una casa adosada, o una villa, o un soltero que busca alquilar un apartamento? ¿Tienes zonas preferidas? ¿Cuántas habitaciones requiere? Si bien es cierto que es posible que deba comprometer algunos elementos de la lista en el camino, tener un criterio aún puede hacer que su búsqueda sea mucho más fácil.

Paso 3: Contrata a un agente inmobiliario de confianza

La búsqueda de casa es, sin duda, un proceso agotador y lento. Para asegurarse de que su experiencia de búsqueda de casa no se transforme en una pesadilla, debe trabajar con un corredor de confianza. Es posible que algunos compradores y vendedores no deseen utilizar los servicios de un agente de bienes raíces. Su causa común es que están tratando de ahorrar dinero. Sin embargo, las habilidades y el profesionalismo de un agente de bienes raíces, junto con su extensa red de conexiones, no tienen comparación e incluso pueden salvarlo a largo plazo.

Paso 4: Programe una visita

Una vez que haya preseleccionado sus mejores opciones, ¡es hora de programar una visita! Prepare su lista de preguntas de antemano para que no se olvide o se sienta abrumado una vez que llegue al lugar. Pregunta sobre las medidas de seguridad y las políticas del edificio, las instalaciones disponibles, el nivel de ruido, las áreas comunitarias cercanas e incluso la situación del estacionamiento. No tenga miedo de ser meticuloso y examinar cada rincón y grieta de la propiedad. Tenga en cuenta que está realizando una gran inversión; asegúrese de que no se arrepentirá en el futuro.

Paso 5: Haz una oferta

Si está satisfecho con la propiedad, el siguiente paso para asegurar su propiedad de alquiler en Dubái es finalizar la oferta. Ya sea que se trate de un arreglo a corto o largo plazo, tener un corredor puede hacer que las negociaciones de precios con el propietario sean mucho más fáciles. También pueden guiarlo a través de tareas administrativas como reservas, registro de contratos de alquiler, conexión de servicios públicos y más.

Paso 6: Registre su contrato de arrendamiento firmado con Ejari

Una vez que ambas partes hayan firmado el contrato de arrendamiento, ahora puede iniciar el registro de su Ejari, que es un mecanismo de registro en línea necesario para todos los contratos de arrendamiento de Dubái. Garantiza que todos los contratos de alquiler privados se crean legalmente y se organizan de acuerdo con un formato aprobado por el gobierno y que la tarifa de alquiler acordada se registra formalmente para evitar posibles dificultades entre el propietario y el inquilino. Además, inscribir a Ejari es un paso inicial necesario para establecer cuentas de servicios públicos (DEWA para agua y electricidad, EmPower para refrigeración urbana, etc.).

Estos son los siguientes documentos que es necesario presentar para que la oficina acepte su registro Ejari:

Copia firmada del contrato de arrendamiento original
recibo de deposito de seguridad
Pasaporte del inquilino, si no es residente de GCC
Visa de los EAU del inquilino, si no es residente del CCG
Identificación de los Emiratos
Pasaporte del arrendador
Copia de la escritura de designación del inmueble arrendado
Número de local de DEWA
Factura DEWA y Ejari previo en caso de renovación de contrato
Licencia comercial, si la propiedad es comercial

Último paso: mudarse

¡Felicidades! Ahora tiene una porción de Dubái que puede llamar orgullosamente "hogar". ¡Consulte las políticas de mudanza de la comunidad o la administración del edificio antes de comenzar a transportar sus cosas!

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A Guide To Leasing Your Investment Property in Dubai Wed, 22 Feb 2023 10:47:00 +0000 The Real Estate industry in Dubai encourages international and local investors with its efficient regulations, governmental entities, and fair legal systems. If you own an apartment or are looking to buy one, you can earn a high income from renting out your apartment. But before you do so, continue reading this article to discover more about renting your owned property.

          Renting Out Your Apartment: The Ins and Outs

Before you rent your house in Dubai, here are a few things you need to know:

Significant Profitability and Returns:

If you rent your house in Dubai, there is a high chance of yielding good money and income from rent, as residential properties witness high demand at all times in the Emirate since Dubai attracts an influx of people from many countries.
Good Source of Passive Income: Renting your house can give you a good source of passive income in Dubai, and since the market is growing rapidly, you can expect good returns.
Online Guest Booking Platforms: There are a lot of common platforms where you can list your rental property and rent it to suitable tenants. What makes these platforms especially beneficial is the features they provide property owners. If you own an apartment and you want to rent it out, you can set its availability dates and when it is open for booking, providing you with convenience and a passive income on your timing.

Ease and Trustworthiness of Regulations:

In Dubai, the government proactively manages the Real Estate market, including transactions and documentation, ensuring protection and security for property owners and tenants. With this in mind, renting out your apartment in Dubai should be a safe option as it is facilitated by governmental entities.

          Rules for Renting An Apartment in Dubai

Here are a few rules for renting out your apartment in Dubai:

Work With Registered Brokers:

You must work with registered brokers to avoid fake Real Estate deals and significant issues when renting out your apartment. So, check brokers’ ID cards and the brokerage firms they work for.

Consider the Rent Index:

You should consider the rent index set by the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA), which lists guidelines regarding renting and pricing. For example, one rule states that an owner cannot increase rent if it is 10% less than other similar property values.

Intimation of Raising Rent:

According to the laws and to preserve tenants’ rights, property owners must give tenants a 90-day notice if they want to increase their property’s rent price.

Eviction Notice:

Property owners must give tenants a 12-month notice if they want them to move out; this notice period is an intimation to evict.
Register with Ejari:

Ejari is an initiative by the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) to regulate the rental market and tenancy contracts in Dubai. Therefore, registering with Ejari means officially registering your rental contract under Dubai Land Department (DLD) laws.

          Short-Term vs. Long-Term Contract: What to Choose?

Before renting out your apartment, you must choose between short-term and long-term contracts, as each type offers different benefits.

Short-term contracts benefit those looking to rent out their houses and apartments for a specific period. As Dubai is an international tourist destination, many tourists prefer to stay in apartments during their visits. If you want to benefit from the flourishing tourism in the Emirate, then short-term contracts are ideal for you.

On the other hand, long-term contracts are an excellent option if you are renting out your apartment for passive income or if you live abroad and want to rent your house and make use of it.

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The Investor Visa For Dubai Fri, 17 Feb 2023 10:53:00 +0000 If you are looking for the perfect starting point for the rest of your life, Dubai is your ideal destination. Not only is it constantly growing at an impressive pace in all aspects; financial, real-estate, tourism, business and entertainment, but it is also super diverse culturally speaking, so it is surely welcoming for everyone.
Whether you want to move to Dubai by yourself or with your family, Dubai has a place for you.
In addition, Dubai ensures you get the opportunity to have your life established in it thanks to many regulations and policies, one of them being the Dubai Investor Visa.

          What is the Dubai investor visa?

The Dubai Investor Visa is for foreign nationals who want to start their own business in Dubai or invest in an already existing one. This Dubai investor visa is valid for 2 years, and its holders have the right to live and work in Dubai as well as sponsor their spouse, children, and parents so they can enter the UAE.

The holder of the Dubai Investor Visa, also known as Dubai Partner Visa, is additionally eligible for the following essential services:

Applying for the Emirates ID card.
Opening a bank account.
Acquiring a UAE driving license.
Signing up for Etisalat or Du mobile and home packages.

It is important to keep in mind that the holders of the Dubai Investor Visa pay domicile tax for the UAE, and stop being taxable by the country of their nationality; however, that is subject to the investor’s home country regulations, so it is essential to be informed and updated about the latter as well.

         How to obtain the Dubai investor visa

There are four ways to obtain the Dubai Investor Visa and pave the way for a business, investment, and a living in Dubai, which are the following:

1. Visa by investment in residential property

The Dubai Investor Visa can be obtained through investing in residential property that is worth AED750,000 or above, with a maximum of 50% of the property value being under mortgage.

Moreover, you are also eligible to apply for the visa if you are investing in a jointly owned property, and each investor’s share makes up at least AED 750,000.

It is important to note the following:

The property must be a single residential property.
The property cannot be commercial.
You are only eligible for the visa if you are investing in a freehold residential property.
You cannot apply for the visa if you are investing in an off-plan property.
As for the duration of this visa, it varies from 3 – 5 years, but you are eligible to extend its duration to last for as long as you own property in the country.

If you have purchased a property of AED 750,000 or more, the three-year visa is available to you, while the five-year visa is available if you own property worth at least AED 5 million.

2. Visa by investment in a company

If you are not exactly inclined to invest in residential property, you have the appealing option of investing in a company in Dubai to obtain the Dubai Investor Visa. This can be done through investing in or starting a business either in Dubai’s mainland or its free zones.
These procedures are especially facilitated through 2,100 types of business licenses, which enable you to start a business in the mainland.
However, note that starting certain businesses in Dubai’s mainland may require the following:
A partner of UAE nationality who will be a majority shareholder, or:
An agent who will be responsible for liaising with government departments.

But since Dubai is constantly paving the way for you to work and live in it, as it is one of the most attractive cities and destinations globally speaking, complete foreign ownership of companies in Dubai’s mainland is finally possible due to recent changes in regulations, as the requirement of having a majority Emirati shareholder or agent for commercial companies has been cancelled.
The other good news is that you – as a foreign investor – can invest in companies in Dubai’s free zones without local sponsors or partners; in addition, companies are exempt from taxation, and foreign nationals can have full ownership of the company.

3. Long-term residence visa

This visa is surely tempting and appealing with what it promises: long-term residency. The individuals eligible for it meet an additional set of standards set by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs-Dubai. The selected individuals for the long-term residency have specialized talents; they are scientists and innovators – for instance – in medical, scientific, research and technical fields. However, if you do not fall into the above-mentioned additional set of standards, you can still obtain a 5 or 10-year residency visa, based on the size of your investment in the country.

The 5-year residency visa is available for:

Investors investing in a property of a gross value of not less than AED 5 million.
Entrepreneurs with an existing project of a minimum capital of AED 500,000.

As for the 10-year residency visa, it is available for:

Investors of at least AED 10 million either through:
A deposit in an investment fund in UAE, or:
Establishing a company in the UAE with a capital amounting at least AED 10 million.
Investors partnering in an already existing or a new company, whose share value is at least AED 10 million.
Investors having a total investment of AED 10 million in all mentioned-above areas.

4. Retirement visa

This 5-year long visa category is especially dedicated for investors above the age of 55. It is applicable for the following:

Individuals investing in a property worth AED 2 million.
Individuals owning accumulated savings worth of AED 1 million.
Individuals receiving a monthly income of at least AED 20,000.

No matter what category you fall into, it is important to keep in mind that the process of getting the Dubai Investor Visa varies from one application to the other despite all of them aiming to enable you to live and work in Dubai.

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An Introduction To RERA Forms Fri, 10 Feb 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Congratulations, you have just made one of the best decisions of your life! You’ve decided to purchase a property in the city of wonders – Dubai.  Before you start scouring for your dream home online, there are a few important things you must be familiar with. Much like your home country, Dubai (and the United Arab Emirates in general) follows a stringent legal procedure before you can claim a slice of the city for yourself. In this blog, we’ll be covering the RERA forms that you’ll encounter during the buying process. We suggest you get familiar with them to ensure a hassle-free Real Estate transaction!

          What is RERA?

RERA stands for Real Estate Regulatory Agency – the office that oversees the emirate’s Real Estate sector. It’s under the jurisdiction of the Dubai Land Department. If not for the RERA forms, estate deals in Dubai wouldn’t be as smooth and easy! Now that we’ve covered the origin of the forms, let’s get familiar with each one of them:

Form A – Agency Agreement / Listing Form

This is the first form sellers will encounter since it signifies that the property is ready to be listed for sale. Both the seller and the listing agent must sign Form A to make it official. Its clauses include the outline of the agreement, the property details such as financial information, mortgage status, and payment schedules, and instructions on how the property will be advertised.

If the property is jointly owned, all owners need to sign the form. There’s a limit to the number of forms you can sign, though. Seller/s can only fill out three Form As at a time, since the maximum number of brokers they can work with is currently three, although in our opinion it should be only one and  exclusive, in order to guarantee the best outcome for all parties involved in the transaction.

Form B – Buyer’s Agent Agreement

Anyone who purchases a property in Dubai – whether it’s residential or for office use – will be asked to sign a Form B. This formalizes the arrangement between you and your appointed RERA-certified Real Estate agent. You need to list down the following information in this form:

Property type
Property location
Your budget and requirements
Contract termination
Compensation percentage
Agency commission

Form I – Agency Agreement

If the transaction involves several agents, for instance when the property seller or lessor also has one acting on their behalf, Form I is brought out to ensure a smooth and professional relationship between both parties.

Form F – Memorandum of Understanding

Also referred to as the Memorandum of Understanding, Form F signifies that an agreement has been reached between the seller and the buyer. This is signed once the buyer shakes on the property and its price.

Since this is perhaps the most important form in the whole process, Form F is mandatory for any Dubai-based Real Estate transaction. It should include not just the financial details of the sale, but also the agreed upon commission of the agents. The seller, the buyer, and the agents all need to be present when signing the form.

Form U – Notice of Cancellation of the Agreement

If you decide to cancel the agreement midway through the transaction, you can do so by filling out a Form U. According to RERA law, the buyer can terminate Form B by signing a copy of this form. You’d have to provide a reason for the termination as well as the date of effectivity, and you need to notify your agent in written form as well.

Now that you’re aware of the different RERA forms necessary when buying a property in Dubai, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us now and let us do the heavy lifting and save your precious time!

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How To Choose The Right Real Estate Agent? Mon, 06 Feb 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Whether you’re a first-time seller or you’ve done it all before, selling a property can be a complicated and stressful experience. It’s no wonder that 83% of sellers choose to list with a Real Estate agent, according to the most recent housing trends reports.

          Consider these steps for finding the right agent:

1. Compare Real Estate agents online

2. Get a referral

3. Check out the local housing market in person

4. Meet with at least three agents

5. Ask the right questions

6. Explain your communication preferences

7. Clarify your motivation to sell

8. Discuss selling strategy and number of showings

9. Agree on all the important details

          Checklist: What to look for in a Real Estate agent

⦁ Familiarity with the local area and neighborhood

⦁ Takes the time to become familiar with the features of the property he/she is selling

⦁ Approachable and friendly

⦁ Excellent reviews, plus professional handling of negative feedback

⦁ Local reputation of closing deals quickly and successfully

⦁ Creative negotiator and proactive problem solver

⦁ Has experience with your specific selling scenario

⦁ Listens to your needs

⦁ Provides you with an up-front quote

Popular services that sellers say were very or extremely valuable from their agents include their ability to find interested buyers (85%), their ability to guide sellers through the process of selling (80%), and their handling of contract negotiations (80%). But, while most sellers find it an advantage to use a Real Estate agent, nearly one-fifth say it is difficult or very difficult to find the right Real Estate agent (18%).

          Here are 10 tips on how to choose the Real Estate agent that’s the best fit for you:

1. Compare Real Estate agents online

One of the most efficient ways to find reputable agents in your area is to search on property portals for vetted agents and compare reviews and numbers of properties sold. You can also use other online search tools to check an agent’s online presence once you’ve narrowed down your top choices. Pro tip: Note how an agent responds to any potential negative or neutral reviews.

2. Get a referral

There’s nothing better than a personal referral from a friend or family member you trust. According to market research, more than one in five sellers (22%) find their agent because of a referral from a friend, relative, neighbor or colleague.

3. Check out the local housing market in person

If you have more time on your hands, drive or walk around your neighborhood and look for repeat agent names on Real Estate signs (bonus if there’s a “sold” sign next to them!). According to our research, 5% of sellers find agents from a for-sale sign, while 16% hire an agent based on knowing them from their community. Or, pop into a nearby open house and observe how the agent engages with potential buyers. Take the time to interact with the Real Estate agent — don’t just grab a business card and leave. Keep an eye out for personality and professional chemistry. Seven percent of sellers find their agents at an open house.

4. Meet with at least three agents

When hiring a Real Estate agent, don’t settle on the first agent you meet. Traditionally 56% of sellers only ever contact one agent, but by talking with multiple agents, you’ll be able to compare and contrast to find someone who will be a good fit. Handle it like a job interview — because it is! While you might have a front-runner based on a referral or local reputation, ask each of the three agents the same questions and compare their responses.

5. Ask the right questions

Get a sense for their business style by asking important vetting questions.

⦁ How long have you been working in Real Estate?

⦁ Do you primarily work with buyers or sellers?

⦁ How many active clients do you have at a time?

⦁ Are you part of a team?

⦁ What’s your specialty?

⦁ Are you equipped to handle my unique situation?

⦁ How will you market my property?

⦁ Can you put me in contact with some references?

6. Explain your communication preferences

Make sure you’re on the same page from the get-go. Discuss how the agent will keep you informed and how often you expect to hear from them. If you prefer email but the agent is most responsive to phone calls, you may not be a good fit for each other. Or, if you know you’re going to have lots of questions and expect quick responses, but the agent usually just sends bi-weekly updates, you may want to find someone who is a better fit.

7. Clarify your motivation to sell

Make sure you’ve made clear any requirements that are specific to your own property sale. Are you on a strict timeline? Need to reach a specific bottom dollar? Looking to fall within a particular timing window to? Make sure to share these details from the beginning so your agent knows what to expect.

8. Discuss selling strategy and number of showings

Make sure you and your potential Real Estate agent are on the same page about their selling strategy. Will you do open houses? How many showings do you want to do? How much lead time will the agent give you before a showing? How will the property be marketed?

9. Agree on all the important details

The best agent-seller relationships are those with clearly defined expectations. Make sure that, in writing, you’ve agreed upon the commission structure, list price, and contract length (i.e., what happens if your property hasn’t sold after a certain amount of time).

10. Understand your role in the negotiating process

This is by all means a team effort and you are both a client and a partner in the negotiating process. Unfortunately most sales-driven, commission-hungry agencies out there view their clients as “the product”, they use “bait and hook” techniques and treat this as retail business instead of full service enterprise. Having the right knowledge and being actively involved in all the steps and details, you are in the best position to control the outcome of the transaction and walk away with a positive experience.

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How To Find A Good Real Estate Agent To Sell Your Property Thu, 02 Feb 2023 11:27:00 +0000 Thinking about selling your property? You might want a great Real Estate agent on your side. But what is the best way to find a really good Real Estate agent? The process can be complicated. You want the person you choose to have your best interest in mind, along with the expertise to help you sell your property quickly and for top price.
Most sellers find their agent in one of four ways — via a referral from someone they know and trust, by using the same agent who helped them buy previously, by using reviews or online search tools, or by seeking out an agent they’ve met in the community or at a networking event.

Here’s where today’s sellers find their Real Estate agents, according to most recent surveys:

⦁ Referral: 31 percent of sellers
⦁ Past experience: 23 percent
⦁ Someone they know from the community: 13 percent
⦁ Real Estate website or app: 9 percent
⦁ Open house: 5 percent
⦁ Contact info on a for-sale or open-house sign: 5 percent
⦁ Referral from another agent or broker: 3 percent
⦁ Search engine: 3 percent
⦁ Social networking website or app: 3 percent

Regardless of how you find listing agents in your area, make sure you interview multiple agents — even if they’re referrals — to find someone who fits you personally. You’ll want to ask the right questions to create a great partnership. After all, there’s more to a great seller-agent relationship than just a high listing price and low commission.

How to find the best Real Estate agent from referrals

A referral is the most common way sellers find their agent, at 31 percent of sellers. Referrals are especially valuable because you can ask someone you trust about the specific agent, their style, what they liked about them and what they didn’t.

Ask friends, family members and coworkers

Ask around! People in your social networks are often happy to make referrals, but they’ll never know you’re looking for an agent unless you ask. When someone in your social circle recommends an agent, don’t just take a name — ask these questions to gain more information:
⦁ How did they set the price for your property? Was there any back and forth?
⦁ How was the showing process? Did they use a lockbox?
⦁ Did you get an offer close to your asking price? Did you feel pressured to accept?
⦁ How are their negotiating skills?
⦁ How long did it take to sell? Was it longer or shorter than you expected? Longer or shorter than the average in the area?
⦁ What’s their communication style like? Are they responsive? Will they communicate via text?
⦁ Is there anything you wish went differently?

Ask the neighbors

According to research, 13 percent of sellers hire an agent based on knowing them from their community. Focusing on agents you see working in your area can be a great way to find agents who are local experts.
Drive around the neighborhood and see which agents’ names show up on the most signs. If possible, ask those neighbors what they think of their agent. Note that their feedback could be dependent on where in the transaction process they are — the further along the better, because they’re more likely to have already seen how their agent handles the inevitable challenges and roadblocks that come with selling a property.

How to find a good listing agent from past experience

Licensed, full-service Real Estate agents can legally represent either buyers or sellers, although some agents may choose to specialize, focusing on one group or the other.
If you had a good experience with your buyer’s agent when you first bought your property and you’re confident they have experience as a listing agent, too, they might be a good choice. As mentioned earlier, 23 percent of sellers use an agent they have past experience with, which may or may not be a former buyer’s agent.

Benefits of using the agent who helped you buy

There are several pros to using an agent you’ve already worked with:
They’re familiar with the property, as they helped you buy it originally.
Since they work with buyers (like you once were), they probably have a book of buyers looking for properties. Just watch out for someone operating as a dual agent (where they represent both the buyer and the seller). This practice is generally considered unethical, as they can’t objectively represent both parties, but if you are comfortable with them, trust them and know they will work hard for the sale. They may even offer a discounted commission since you are a repeat customer.

Questions to ask a past buyer’s agent

Since you’ve only worked with this agent as a buyer, make sure they are qualified to work as a listing agent. Ask these interview questions:
⦁ How many listings have you sold in the neighborhood?
⦁ What sort of marketing tactics do you employ?
⦁ Do you offer professional videography or virtual tours?
⦁ What is your commission rate? Is it split evenly with the buyer’s agent?
⦁ What avenues do you have for finding qualified buyers?

Where to find a good Real Estate agent online

Fifteen percent of recent sellers reported finding their agent online. Twenty-six percent of millennials reported finding their agent online, compared to 17 percent of Gen Xers, 8 percent of baby boomers and 6 percent of the silent generation. First-time sellers are more than twice as likely to find an agent through online resources. Additionally, 23 percent of urban sellers find their agent online, which is higher than the 14 percent of suburban sellers and only 7 percent of rural sellers who do.
Here are some methods that sellers use to search for agents online.

Agent reviews

When you search reviews online, you can see what past clients said about a particular agent — this can be a very helpful tool. Millennials and Gen Xers find the most value in using online reviews, with 61 percent and 51 percent ranking them extremely or very important, respectively. Whether you’re searching from scratch or vetting an agent referral, checking reviews can help you get a feel for an agent’s style. And in our current online-driven marketplace, all quality agents have some kind of online presence, so it shouldn’t be too hard to research the agent that a friend or family member recommended.

Social media

Social media sites can provide a wealth of information on Real Estate agents. Search “Real Estate agents” on Facebook or LinkedIn, and you’ll see plenty of results from agents in your area. When researching a Real Estate agent on social media, you’ll want to not only look for reviews but also take a look at their social media strategy overall. For example, if you can’t even find a Facebook page for the agent you’re researching, how can you expect them to market your listing to the thousands of active buyers who are on Facebook every day? Presence and network are crucial for agents.
In addition to Facebook, scope out their Instagram and LinkedIn pages, paying attention to their branding, how they talk about the listings they have, how many followers they have, how many likes their images receive and the quality of the content they share. All the same strategies matter, whether they’re promoting their own services or promoting your property.

License lookup

Another way to vet your Real Estate agent is to make sure they’re licensed by the proper regulatory agencies. Dubai has a searchable online database of every active licensed Real Estate agent and brokerage.

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What Makes A Great Real Estate Agent? Wed, 01 Feb 2023 11:27:00 +0000 In addition to the baseline services they provide, great Real Estate agents have skills that set them apart from the average ones. Agents with these skills are diamonds in the rough, and they use their expertise to ensure that every client has the best financial and emotional outcome from their home sale or purchase experience.

          What skills to look for in a good Real Estate agent:

Open communication

A great agent knows the importance of good communication with their clients. That means they clearly set expectations, field questions whenever you have them, take calls when you need their help, provide feedback on everything from pricing to home improvements, and give suggestions to help you get the most money from your sale. It’s no wonder that 85 percent of sellers say that responsiveness is extremely or very important.
In addition to their communication with you, a listing agent also needs to be skilled at communicating with the buyer and the buyer’s agent. They should speak clearly during negotiations, communicate your wants and needs, and avoid making false promises to move the deal forward. They should be as responsive to the buyer’s agent as they are to you, promptly answering calls and quickly responding to showing requests.

Professional reputation

The best Real Estate agents operate a retention – and referral-based business, which means that most of their clients are repeat buyers and sellers or people referred by friends and family members. These agents are likely to have outstanding online reviews on sites like Google and Facebook. According to surveys 28 percent of sellers learn about their agent from a friend, relative, neighbor or colleague, and 23 percent have worked with the same agent before in some capacity.
A great agent will also have valuable recommendations for Real Estate stagers, contractors and other vendors who can help you get your home ready to sell.

Local market knowledge

A good agent will know what sells in your area and will know how to highlight your home’s best features to get top value. They’ll also be aware of the trends in your market and can help you determine the best circumstances to sell for more money and in less time. Research shows that 80 percent of sellers look for an agent who is an expert in their local market first.

Strong marketing strategy

Professional photography and videography: Really good agents include the services of a professional photographer in their commission fee, and sellers recognize the value in this offering. Sellers ranked having high quality photos and videos taken as the third-most valued service agents offer.
Social media marketing: Today’s top agents have a strong social media presence and are eager to post your listing on sites like Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. Seventy-one percent of sellers agreed that social media marketing was an important thing for their agent to handle.
Willing to host open houses: 80 percent of sellers say hosting open houses or private tours is a valuable service. A good agent should offer to host an open house soon after your home is listed.

          What character traits make a great Real Estate agent?

In addition to their service offerings and Real Estate industry-specific skills, the best Real Estate agents are dedicated, determined and eager to help. Consider these top character traits that sellers rank as extremely or very important.


Trustworthiness is the top quality sellers say is important in an agent — it’s extremely or very important to 86 percent of sellers. A trustworthy agent won’t try to persuade you to work with them by giving you an unattainable listing price. They always set reasonable expectations, outline their responsibilities and give you time to review the listing agreement before deciding to work with them.


Great agents are always honest, even if it means saying things you don’t want to hear — like your home isn’t worth what you think it is or that it needs improvement. They build a relationship with you based on honesty and keeping your best interests at heart.


Top agents put their seller’s needs above their commission. That means they will go above and beyond to move a deal forward, whether they’re physically pitching in to help get your home staged or buying a new light fixture the buyer wanted.

Work ethic

Real Estate is not a nine-to-five job, and a great agent understands and embraces this. They won’t resent clients for reaching out to them outside of traditional working hours, and they won’t take off for a vacation without telling you.


Good agents know that sometimes plans change and not every deal works out. They’ll understand if you decide to take your home off the market, and they won’t hold you to the commission agreement if you have a change of heart.

          What makes the best Real Estate agent for you?

Services, skills and traits aside, the best Real Estate agent for you depends on your goals, your communication style, the level of support you need and your personal values. And the right agent for you isn’t always the right agent for someone else. Consider these additional attributes that can help you decide if you’ve found the right agent.

Personality match: You want an agent that “gets” you. You communicate easily with each other, they can adapt to suit your needs and you generally have a friendly, comfortable rapport.

Attentiveness: The right agent for you understands how much support you need and is honest about what they can and cannot offer. Many sellers, especially first-time sellers, are looking for someone to hold their hand and answer many questions about the process. In fact, 84 percent of sellers said they rely on their agent to guide them through the process from start to finish. Some sellers, especially the ones who have sold before, may just want an agent who can take the reins and get the house sold without much back and forth.

Similar values: 76 percent of sellers say it’s important that their agent respects their personal values.

Financial flexibility: Sellers often look for agents who are willing to negotiate their commission rate or create a custom agreement that will help them sell in a way that meets their financial needs.

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